
martedì 18 novembre 2014


Another great unsolved riddle of our time concerns the existence of mermaids.
These beings are present in many works, and are represented in a more different.
We begin by specifying two types of legends:

- The first is the siren Greek that, contrary to what many think, has nothing to do with the sea but, instead, was represented as a ornitomorfo be (that is, with the appearance of a bird).

- The second one is the siren more commonly known, that is half human and half fish.

In this article I would like to investigate mainly the second type as it is one that still fills the head of many fans and that has a higher number of "sightings".
As a matter of fact it is quite common as in various parts of the world there are myths and legends of beings half human and half fish and several caves have been found engravings and paintings of beings of human appearance but with fins.
Determine the testimonials you have had in recent times also where we talk about rather large aquatic animal found completely impaled with spears and knives of unknown origin
Another important event was the Team of Paul Robertson who was investigating in 1997 on the grounds of mass strandings of whales for no reason.
In one of these strandings occurred in South Africa, Robertson and his team found inside the stomach of a great white shark remains of an unknown creature and noticed near the mouth of an object very similar to a dagger.
All material found in the study was kidnapped scientists.
The last "sighting" I want to talk about is what happened on March 6, 2013 in Greenland where two scientists, Dr. Schmidt and Dr. Roberts, during a dive to about 900 meters depth recorded ultrasonic very specific and could even immortalized in a video that appears to be a mermaid.
If you are interested to know more about there are several videos on topic including the above-mentioned event.
Our although many sites were blacked out showing a warning from the Department of Justice.
In addition, the US National Oceanic Service has handled several times to deny the existence of mermaids and their sightings.
Of course, one wonders why an institution of such importance has taken pains to deny these events and many times.

As for me I do not know if the "People of the Sea" exists or not (although the idea I did not mind at all), but I agree more with what Paul Robertson says in an interview and that they do not want most contribute to research on mermaids because they do not believe that humans would be able to co-exist with these creatures without exterminate.

Shark found at the beginning of the century with rudimentary spears stuck in the body of unknown origin

the tip of the spears

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