You certainly hackneyed argument I say! But I would still spend this post about it since this phenomenon has roots, according to my humble opinion, fascinating.
Let's start talking about the myth of the zombie classic "born" in a most different, in fact, the causes of the formation of a zombie second film and literature are manifold and range from viruses and chemical attacks to religious motivations.
The common element in all these stories is the presence of dead bodies brought back to a kind of life and guided only by the instinct to feed on human flesh.
However, what many ignore is that these stories have been inspired by events and oldest stories concerning the Voodoo religion.
According to Voodoo sorcerers body has two souls nicknamed the little good angel (you bon ange) and the great good angel (gros bon ange). While the first guide the character of the people and the second is a kind of life force that will disappear with the death.
According to these sorcerers status zombification of a person you are when one of the two souls is captured by a sorcerer and depending regard to the soul that is captured is nicknamed the zombie astral or jarnin (The latter type is the typical zombie movie ).
In fact it turned out that the process of zombification by these sorcerers is not caused by dark magic but by the simple and wise administration by those of a toxin from the livers of puffer fish, the tetrodotoxin.
This venom causes a kind of suspended animation in the subject to which it is administered which remains conscious and then undergoes the shock of attending his own funeral after which the sorcerer dissotterrerà and administer an antidote after a ceremony.
The people who suffered this fate remained so impressed that from happening were convinced that they had been brought back to life and made slaves of those who had made them "resurrect".
Still the law number 249 of the Criminal Code of Haiti specifies that: "will be considered murder against the use of substances that a person without causing actual death, produce coma lethargic. If following such apparent death the person will be buried, the fact It will be considered murder. "
Another curiosity is the presence of zombies in the animal kingdom this time caused not by character but by a parasitic fungus present in the Brazilian rainforests (the Ophiocordyceps) which penetrates into the body of insects (primarily ants) through breathing and once it reached the brain takes over pushing the insect to move to a perfect place to its growth and then eventually cause death.
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